Spondylosis treatment in mumbai

Spondylosis Treatment

Table of Contents

An Overview Of Spondylosis

Spondylosis is an umbrella term for describing all spine degenerative disorders. It is a type of osteoarthritis of the spine that tends to make spinal structure hard,  brittle, and porous, due to which the spinal discs and joints degenerate, causing bone spurs. The bone spurs are the excess bone growth that leads to other problems such as muscle or nerve irritation and pain. In addition, the degeneration and bone spurs hinder the spine’s synchronized movement and affect nerve functioning.

In most cases of spine degeneration, the effects are gradual with no prominent symptoms. But in some complicated cases, the degeneration may speed up, causing adverse consequences. Therefore, our spine doctor recommends seeking early spondylosis treatment in Mumbai to avoid surgery.

Types of Spondylosis

The types of spondylosis are determined by the part of the spinal canal it affects.

  • Cervical Spondylosis- The beginning part of the spine is thin, strong, and integrated with the thoracic or middle section of the spine. It is comparatively flexible to allow free movement of the neck. But due to osteoarthritis, the joints and the discs degenerate and constrict the free movement of vertebral joints. According to the worldwide orthopedic doctors’ association, cervical spondylosis affects 85% of people above sixty.

  • Thoracic spondylosis– Thoracic is the middle region of the spine. In thoracic spondylosis the disc becomes thinner,  joints degenerate, and ligaments connecting to bones tightens, altogether hindering the flexible easy-to-go movement of the thoracic spine.

  • Lumbar Spondylosis–  When the lower spine retains too much pressure, such that the lower back is affected causing symptoms, is called lumbar spondylosis. In this condition, arthritis thins down the lumbar disc and reduces its cushioning effectiveness.

  • Multilevel Spondylosis- When spondylosis affects two or more regions of the spinal canal, it is multilevel spondylosis.

Alternatively, spondylosis is also called spinal osteoarthritis, which causes wear and tear to the spine. Though senior citizens are prone to this, middle-aged people may also get affected by it. Therefore it is important to be knowledgeable with symptoms and visits to orthopedic doctors for proper diagnosis and spondylosis treatment in Mumbai.


The spine bears the body’s weight, allows movements, and provides an axis for nervous communication with the entire system. But, damage to any part of the spine triggers synchronous chain reactions on nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the damaged part. 

As we age, the body vitals start losing strength. The spinal canal suffers age-related degeneration and becomes brittle. The muscles become rigid and lose their flexibility, they are unable to bear stress forces, exerting more strain on the spine. 

As a result, the soft intervertebral discs get compressed, and the vertebral structure lunges. The vertebral compression causes bone collapse, and minor cracks to develop. This usually happens in osteoporosis. In addition, the joint-facet erode due to friction, and bone spurs occur. This condition is called osteoarthritis.

This osteoarthritis-induced spinal degeneration causes spondylosis.

Risk Factors

The risk factor for developing spondylosis include:

  • Generic tendency
  • Overweight
  • Repititive weight-bearing exercises
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Smoking
  • Spine injury
  • Psoriatic Arthritis


Age-related spondylosis does not show any symptoms; however, some definite movements can trigger spondylosis and can be recognized with mild pain on repetition of movements. If the pain worsens with repetition of movements, it is a sign of progressing spondylosis. Some other known symptoms of spondylosis are:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Grinding feel of bones while moving
  • Constrained movements
  • Poor body balance coordination
  • Weakness in hands and legs
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty walking
  • Loss of bladder and bowel control

Complications Of Spinal Instability Due To Spondylosis

Early detection of spondylosis helps doctors understand and analyze the type of spondylosis and therefore refer to a proper spondylosis treatment in Mumbai. Moreover, researchers state that one spine problem may lead to another, creating a complicated case. Some complications caused due to spondylosis are:

  • Spinal stenosis: The narrowing of spinal-canal is spinal stenosis. The spine canal has a small opening for exiting spine nerve roots. When these nerves are pinched due to vertebral column space narrowing, they cause neck pain or back pain extending down the leg,  feet.

  • Cervical radiculopathy: The spondylosis may trigger changed disc shape and bone spurs, eventually causing nerve pinching and shooting pain, numbness, and hypersensitivity.

  • Cervical spondylotic myelopathy: This involves sensations of spinal cord squeezing or compressing. Symptoms include pain and numbness in the limbs,  coordination loss in hands and limbs,  imbalance and difficulty in walking, and bladder problems in the advanced stages.

Scoliosis: It s characterized by an S-shaped or C-shaped side curvature of the spine. Typically it arises in growing ages among children, but spondylosis can cause degenerative Scoliosis. Researchers suggest degeneration of the facet joints and scoliosis in adults are interlinked.

Spondylosis Treatment in Mumbai

Most cases of spondylosis produce mild pain and stiffness, which people manage with home remedies such as hot oil massage, physical therapy, improving postures, and exercising. However, if the painful episodes increase, people seek spondylosis treatment. Dr. Raut’s spondylosis treatment in Mumbai is diagnosis-based, and the diagnosis completes with the following:

  • Interrogation of spine-related history 
  • Interrogation about preceding spine injury, trauma episode
  • Physical examination to check bony protrusions and nerves distention
  •  CT scan or X-ray to see through internal images
  • MRI if the symptoms indicate nerve pinching, partial paralysis, etc.

The doctor concludes and categorizes spondylosis based on the symptoms and diagnostic reports. Most cases are due to age-related degeneration that subsides with home remedies and medications. But if the patient experiences frequent painful episodes of spondylosis that lead to other complications, the doctor may indicate an appropriate surgical solution.

The treatments are as follows: 

Alternative treatments

  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic
  • Message 
  • Electrical stimulation


  • Prescription medications
  • Muscle relaxant 
  • Drugs and Topical creams
  • Pain relievers and analgesic meications
  • Steroidial  and non-steroidial injections


The doctor will recommend spondylosis treatment in Mumbai when the pain is persistent and not manageable with medications and exercise.

The surgery aims to reduce the spondylosis symptoms, including severe numbness, constricted movement, loss of bladder control, and nerve distension causing complexions such as sciatica and paralysis. Surgery is well-deserved in cases that do not respond to conservative methods and deteriorate further

The diagnostic tests are very helpful in determining the required surgery type. For example, in case of nerve distension, the doctor may trim the bone spurs or cut out the disc prolapse to relieve nerves. Or, in cases of wearing joint facet, the doctor may trim and smoothen the facet to function and move properly. Typically, the doctors use MISS (minimally invasive spine surgery) procedures that require a small incision, lesser blood loss, and minimum recovery time. These surgeries are very effective are a potentially lower risk surgery as compared to full-fledged surgery.

Why Choose Us?

Dr. Saijyot Raut is a spine consultant who is practicing with the most renowned teams of spine surgeons across various hospitals. He and his team are dedicated to serving people with a range of spine problems with adept treatment methods, including medications, therapies, spine-excersises, and surgeries. Our cutting-edge technology and proactive team are proficient in handling nuances of escalated spine issues.

Spine problems usually escalate with delays. So, our doctor recommends early treatment to avoid severe complications.

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